Remembering God/dessPractice, ritual, and teachings that will prepare you for MahaNavaratri: Nine Nights of the God/dess. Gain perspective of Yoga History through the lens of the sacred feminine.
Kali MoonsKali Moons is a 3-month experience.
Invoke God/dess Archetypes for the realization of deep courage & Self-Love. |
11 MoonsInvoke 11 Moons of God/dess Archetypes for the realization of courage, compassion, & creative clarity. This year-long online odyssey includes Contemplative Myth, Ritual, & Ayurveda wellness.
Weapons & BoonsKali Moons is a 3-month experience.
Invoke God/dess Archetypes for the realization of unwavering courage and unconditional Self-Love. |
The Soul Artist Treasury was founded by R.R. Shakti, PhD in 2020 as a platform for creative study & contemplative practice.