- Awaken Your Inner Power.
- Deepen into Meaningful Relationship.
- Align with the Rhythms of Nature.
- Hear and Heed Your Body's Wisdom.
- Identify Your Authentic Life's Purpose.
- Take Decisive Action toward Your Heart's Desire.
If you are ready to take your creative powers to the next level as a spiritual leader, yoga teacher, life-coach, writer, student, lover, parent, activist, or SOUL ARTIST...
You are Ready for Eleven Moons.
What is Eleven Moons of Goddess?
- Eleven Moons is a self-paced, online experience invoking God/dess Archetypes for the realization of stronger courage, deeper compassion, and creative clarity.
- Eleven Moons is a treasury of story, symbol, and ritual that tracks the rhythms of the moon and treks the cycles of a year.
- Each month, you will receive an interactive online module, including phone conferences, audio, video, and over 500 pages of downloadable content loaded with wellness modalities for your psyche, soul, and body: Tantrik Teachings, Yoga Instruction, Mantra, Mudra, Meditation, Ayurveda, Archetypal Psychology, and Mythological Studies...as well as powerful action steps for real-life transformation.
- Move at your own pace through this comprehensive education program to cultivate the courage and Self-love required to face whatever limits you...and activate your soul's creative power.
- Upgrade your experience to receive one to one mentorship for compassionate accountability and personal support.
Yoga & Tantra Psychology
Learn yoga, pranayama, mantra, mudra, and meditation practices to stoke the transformational fires of yoga alchemy.
Archetypal Mythology
Enjoy inspirational stories from world traditions to awaken your inner god/dess and engage the sacred feminine.
Ayurveda & Eco Wellness
Attune with nature's rhythms—elements and seasons—for optimal vitality and the healing of our planet Earth.
What does Eleven Moons Include?
Move at your own pace through over 500 pages:
...all packaged beautifully within eleven interactive Moon Journals, released each month. ($450 Value) |
Are you yearning for community connection? Join me each full moon on a one-hour community call. Each call provides teachings and offers action steps for cultivating courage, compassion, and creative clarity. You will be paired with an Eleven Moons partner to provide meaningful connection. I will guide you through a full moon meditation and invite you to raise your voice for a deeper experience of the content and community. ($1200 VALUE) |
Learn empowerment tools, inspirational resources, recipes, and action steps from experts in their field, including Vedic Astrology, Yoga, Ayurveda, Business, Finance, Art, and Communication. MORE SOUL ARTIST CONVERSATIONS TBA! (Priceless VALUE!)
Learn empowerment tools, inspirational resources, recipes, and action steps from experts in their field, including Vedic Astrology, Yoga, Ayurveda, Business, Finance, Art, and Communication. MORE SOUL ARTIST CONVERSATIONS TBA! (Priceless VALUE!)
Dive to the depths of your courage. Discover a love beyond opposition. Expand to fulfill your heart's desires.
God/dess finds strength in restorative stillness, then surges with wildly creative power...in perfect timing.
Whatever your gender identity, it is time to reclaim the God/dess power within YOU.
God/dess finds strength in restorative stillness, then surges with wildly creative power...in perfect timing.
Whatever your gender identity, it is time to reclaim the God/dess power within YOU.
The Online Odyssey is Available NOW!
A comprehensive year-long course valued at over $3000,
now offered exclusively to
Soul Artist Academy Members
at $36/month
now offered exclusively to
Soul Artist Academy Members
at $36/month
One/One Mentorship CallSoul Artist Awakening • Leadership Compass
Receive the Soul Artist's Awakening or Leadership Compass for personal engagement & accountability.
Feeling uninspired or over-whelmed?
Receive one/one inspiration for discovering your superpowers and overcoming challenges. Gain new tools to destroy self-limitation and clearly illuminate your sacred purpose. Engage teachings that combine Tantrik wisdom with World Mythology, Tibetan Buddhism, Esoteric Alchemy, and Depth Psychology. Navigate through soul questions, practices, and concrete action steps to clarify your dream visions and bring your heart's desire into reality. Schedule one/one, personal mentorship for sustainable engagement, to keep you moving forward on your sacred path. Members receive 20% discount code to upgrade your experience. |
Eleven Moons Equinox BoxesSpecial Delivery...Right to Your Mailbox!
Receive wellness & ritual treasures for nourishment and inspiration.
Two exciting packages of seasonal treasures will keep you balanced all year.
Gift boxes include featured Ayurvedic Self-Care products, adornments altar-building essentials, coupons, and surprise gifts from the Soul Artist Boutique and our Lifestyle Partners (approximate value $250). Packages are delivered in time for each Equinox Celebration: March 21 and September 21. Members receive 20% discount code to upgrade your experience. |
Meet Your Guide
I'm R.R. Shakti, PhD. I invite you to be a Soul Artist. Embark on an adventure of myth and symbol. Receive eleven moons of inspiration from God/dess archetypes to cultivate the courage and Self-love required to activate your soul's creative power. Weaving World Mythology with Tantra Yoga, I'll guide you home to your deepest wisdom with inner power activation. |
What people are saying:
We're amidst our 11 moons journey and I'm simply enveloped in the depth of it all....There are so many jewels that present themselves when I am ready to observe and just as the Kali work in the heart of Winter was so timely for my journey, this new creative inspiration with Lakshmi in May is equally as timely. I feel so nourished flowing with the tides of the seasons and the waves of the moon under your guidance. I can feel your heart singing in each page and I just had to reach out and say thank you again for sharing yourself authentically with the world. As I practice more and more at really loving my-self, loving me. |
I love this course. The information builds on what I have exposed myself to in the past few years as I deepen my practice, but folds in a unique perspective of the God/dess which I love. I expected to connect to the journey and material, but am surprised at just how connected I feel to it and how joyful I feel as I go through each new piece. |
The depth of the content is really incredible! I also like how many facets there are so you can really customize the content for where you need it in your life. Example: some days I practice by using the recipes and Ayurvedic rituals, other days mantra and meditation, asana, readings and reflecting questions. It makes it possible for me to include a little something everyday. |
R.R. Shakti, has been, and is, an incredible inspiration. She has helped me to grow and broaden my understanding of how we are all connected—not only to each other but also to our planet. our universe, and the great divine that resides in all beings. |
This course is SO RICH. There is so much to chew on and reflect on and deeply assimilate. |
Why God/dess?
God/dess images and archetypes have been suppressed from modern Western consciousness. Some of the most significant challenges of the twenty-first century require the recovery of the sacred feminine—social equality, sustainable engagement with Earth’s resources, and the somatic healing of emotional wounds.
Join the God/dess Odyssey as we journey together to reclaim the feminine principle and realize God/dess as the essence of divinity in all things. As God/dess rises, her gifts of courage, compassion, and creativity call humanity to rise with her in a non-dual perspective of universal LOVE.
Join the God/dess Odyssey as we journey together to reclaim the feminine principle and realize God/dess as the essence of divinity in all things. As God/dess rises, her gifts of courage, compassion, and creativity call humanity to rise with her in a non-dual perspective of universal LOVE.
Why Only Eleven Moons?
December is a month for introspection and Self-acknowledgement. On the morning of the Winter Solstice you will receive an interactive e-book (your Soulstice Journal ) for inspiration, contemplation, and to set the tone for your upcoming journey. The odyssey officially begins on New Year's Day. It concludes with the new moon in November when you will receive your final online journal, Book of Treasures, to honor and crystallize your eleven moons of personal development and guide your celebration of completion.
The Online Odyssey Begins 12/21/21
but it is never too late to join!
Your membership includes monthly releases:
interactive online modules: phone conferences, audio, video, and downloadable journals for Tantrik Teachings, Yoga, Mantra, Mudra, Meditation, Ayurveda, Archetypal Psychology, and Mythological Studies
with R.R. Shakti, Ph.D.
A comprehensive year-long course valued at over $3000,
now offered exclusively to
Soul Artist Academy Members
only $36/month!
ABOUT R.R. Shakti, PhDR.R. Shakti, PhD is a Mythologist and Depth Psychologist who facilitates embodied ritual for deeper meaning and human connection.
EVERY DAY RITUALEsoteric teachings meet real-life meaning to offer ritual that is both mystical and practical.
SOUL ARTIST ACADEMYWelcome Soul Artists, Mystic Visionaries, & Yoga Leaders.
Soul Artist Academy™ is an education portal featuring in-person & online events that provide meaningful experiences of Contemplative Mythology, Depth Psychology, & Inner Power Yoga® Studies. |
ONE/ONE | Soul Artist CounselONE/ONE provides an inside-out approach to personalized Self Care in the form of dream analysis, creative therapy, mind/body practices, Nature rituals, and the archetypal wisdom of Contemplative Mythology & Depth Psychology. Recognize the myths that limit you. Embrace the stories that empower you...with ONE/ONE guidance every step of the way.
6-Week Soul Artist Awakening 40-Day Soul Artist Leadership Compass |
Soul Artist is the Lifestyle Brand for Artists in the Medium of Life. It is a treasury of stories, courses, products and experiences to activate your creative freedom and create your most meaningful life.
© COPYRIGHT 2018-2024 R.R. Shakti | Soul Artist ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.