Yoga + Ayurveda Workbook
Āyurveda is a system of wellness deeply rooted in nature.
It recognizes that humanity is created from, exists within, and eventually returns to the elements.
Āyurveda is a Vedic science that has been practiced for thousands of years for the sake of holistic wellness. The system of Āyurveda recognizes that the key to good health is balance at all levels of being. It employs mindful dietary considerations, yoga āsana (postures), prānāyāma (breathing practices), herbs, and meditation for optimal health.
It seeks to cleanse the body of toxins and eliminate excess inflammation.
Ayurveda views everything as comprised of the pancha mahābhūtas (five basic elements): earth, water, fire, air and space. These are the building blocks for the qualities of your mind, body, and environment.
Determine your personal Āyurvedic constitution and learn how it contributes to your overall wellness. Learn Yoga considerations–āsana, prānāyāma, and meditation–to support the optimal balance of your mind, body, and spirit.