Paul Zolbrod taught humanities at the Crownpoint, New Mexico Campus of Diné College–the Navajo Nation Tribal College–and Native American Mythology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. The latter is where I met him. I was a wide-eyed graduate student, hanging onto every word as he recounted the story of Changing Woman and her lover, the Sun. I was thrilled to catch up with him for a feature in ORIGINS and to chat about Diné Bahane’, the Navajo creation story. Paul’s translation of the work (his most popular book to date) provides the most complete English version of the epic. It celebrates the oral tradition through the written word and offers a vibrant introduction to Diné culture.
Recently, Paul released a 300-page, full-color hardcover treasure at His new work: Paradise Revisited, Lines from Milton's Paradise Lost and the Navajo Creation Story is celebrated as "the only work in the mythological and English literary disciplines ever to compare and contrast the Judeo-Christian creation story and the Navajo emergent-worlds myth—and only Dr. Zolbrod could have written it." Paul has been honored as "the only academician worldwide with so deep a knowledge of both myths that he can see their similarities and differences with such crystalline clarity." For the Winter 24/25 issue of Soul Artist Journal, ORIGINS, Paul described his journey to discover the common threads that weave these two literary epics. One clarion theme kept rising through our conversation: the value of the oral recitation of story. Creative impulse led us to organize a small except from Paul's Paradise Revisited, into a dramatic reading. I am thrilled to share "No Harmony in the Universe Without Harmony Between the Two of Us: Dialogues from Diné Bahane’ & Paradise Lost," by Paul Zolbrod. Cast of Readers
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Natalie Karpushenko has a morning routine. She jumps up and down for lymphatic stimulation, then she does her "mirror work." She looks in her right eye. She looks in her left eye and she says, "I am Natalie Karpushenko, I am a known photographer..." Her affirmation is working. Her vision of being a widely known photographer is coming true. We know her. And we are obsessed. Gretchen connects with the Photo Artist responsible for our ORIGINS cover to chat about the inspiration behind her work.
Find the full interview in the ORIGINS issue of Soul Artist Journal, to be released digitally on December 21 and in print on January 1. JEWELRY • NATURE • PRESENCE Interviewer: Gretchen Fruchey Gretchen talks with Jewelry Designer, Mauri Pioppo, for a conversation that weaves through poetic insights and intimations on several points:
30 min. Full transcriptGF: Hi, hi Mauri.
MP: Hi Gretchen, how are you? GF: I'm doing well, how are you? MP: I'm good, where are you? GF: So, I'm in Fort Wayne, Indiana and where are you? MP: I'm in Washington, D.C. and it's very peaceful here and I'm happy to be talking to you. GF: You know, I guess we should lead in with the fact that Shakti invited us to have a conversation today. She's really inspired by and thinks other people would be inspired by this collection of home jewelry and art that you produce, in addition to, you know, your whole fine jewelry line. We've now got this platform,, where we have the opportunity to present all aspects of intentional living, and living with beauty and living mindfully, practicing our life, practicing yoga. There's some astrology. There's some psychology... MP: ...archetypes, deities, goddesses. |
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