CREATIVITY • FREEDOM • TANTRA Author: R.R. Shakti Do You Feel Free? I mean really, truly FREE? Try these Rebel Rules to discover unshakable creative freedom. Or don’t. I am kind-of a rebel. For as long as I can remember, I have questioned authority and squirmed from the grasp of limiting “realities” to find my own way. Yesterday, one of my soul sisters reminded me: “Shakti, you are a dreamer." I used to take offense to statements like that... I grew up believing that to be a “dreamer” was a bad thing. That to get things done (and stay out of trouble) I had to be grounded like 💯. …but, then again, I am kind-of a rebel. After much experimentation (think hallucinogens, hitch-hiking, and homeless world travel…) I have learned to keep one foot solidly placed on the soils of the human experience, while the other foot hovers in infinite potential. I’m smiling as I realize that this image is the stance of Shiva’s dance. That is one reason I dig this image so much: It epitomizes the crossroads between manifesting and liberating power. It reminds me that creativity and freedom go together like, well, like Shiva/Shakti. I’m still learning how to freely express all the things that my heart is constantly creating; but these days I feel more balanced than ever: hovering in the grace of effort and surrender. To shake off limitation, I observe a few rebel rules on the daily. Here they are for you, just in case you need them. If not, no big deal. Rebel Rules for Creative Freedom1. Set your expectation dial to 100%, your attachment dial to 0%.
THIS IS KEY. Every day, when you wake up, expect that the day will greet you with unlimited blessings…that the entire universe is conspiring for your greatest good…that you will be propelled forward by abundant gratitude and absolute joy…and you will make all your dreams come true. Also, have 0 attachment to this. So that when shit happens (and it will, because it’s another day on planet Earth) you will remain completely open to the next amazing miracle. Attachment to outcomes is not sustainable. To stay in your full power, you must show up fully (every moment) just to let go completely (every moment). This is the dance of true freedom. 2. Repeat after me: “I care, but I don’t mind.” It has taken me a long time to recognize the difference between caring for others and running myself into the ground trying to make everyone else happy. Here’s the truth: creative power is realized when you focus on service. Once you identify the people who benefit from your gifts, it sets the whole creative exchange in motion. HOWEVER! While I deeply desire to connect with all my fellow Earthlings, I really don’t mind when I don't. This is just another way of saying “I am not attached to the outcomes,” but it directly aims at the limiting story of “seeking approval.” Shake that right off. 3. Let go ‘the baggage. We are all carrying unnecessary limitations like: “You are your ideas.” “You only get one shot, so don’t mess it up!” “Stay in your lane.” and the overall warning: “You can’t do that.” The most liberating rebel rule is to GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION. Don’t wait for other people to give it to you (because they can’t give you what they don’t have.) 4. Give yourself permission to
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