community. gratitude. inner power yoga I love you.
You know who you are. You are the reason I keep trying. You were the first one to trust me with your downward facing dog. You were the last person to leave last week's zoom call. You've seen it all. My tenderness and scars. My triumphs and disgrace. You dare to look. You give me grace. And I love you for it. I love your face. You came over to my house that one night, nearly two decades ago, when I was lonely for deep company and hungry for the new perspective you would bring... the wine. the ideas. everything. We called it the Goddess Gathering. I wanted to know what you know. Because I love you. Because you believed in me when my confidence wavered. I can't even count the love seeds you gave when you supported our seva in West Africa and Pine Ridge Reservation... when you built sets at Yoga Rocks Mountain Fest or the Rocky Mountain Yoga Conference. You came. You sang. You made time for us. I found new confidence in your Basic Goodness. You brought hope to the Soul Artist Studio when it was build on a broken heart. a defiant and ambition broken heart determined to make a new start to make Soul Art to sing a new song over old bones. I was never alone. You reminded me to listen for the beating spaces, for the meeting places, for the meaning in between the gasps for air. I love you. You know who you are. You were right there. You are the men who helped me build schools. who leapt of cliffs into the seven sacred pools ,..the women who formed a wisdom circle around my womb. You gave me room to make mistakes. and I've made many in my day. And I'll make more, but you love me anyway. That's what love is for. Its for seeing and believing that there's something new in store– something worth trying for. This is for you, over there. You there. You care to read this letter down to this line. May Love flood into your human experience; from mine. It's just about time to check all our barriers at the door. To enter the chamber. To kiss the floor and to sit down at the table of the mystics. Those who tried to show us what love is. Could you be loved? ...and BE LOVE? beyond the opposites. without an end. eternally transforming. turning and returning again and again to the guru within, as a student. As a teacher. ...As a friend.
clothing. cool people. lifestyle Be Love Clothing is a beloved Inner Power Yoga® Lifestyle Partner because of their commitment to sustainability and activism...and they are just really cool people! They have been offering generous discounts to our Inner Power Yoga® tribe since 2012, and some of my most cherished tees come from their inspired creativity. The last time we were in L.A. together, Gretchen and I had a chance to visit the owners of Be Love, KamGi and Kyle at their A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. store location in Topanga CA. The entire experience was nothing short of magical. As soon as we saw them, we knew immediately: these are just really cool people! "Our Mission is to grow a successful apparel business that inspires and empowers people through education, activism, art and fashion. Be Love exists to support transformative, community-based causes serving youth and families. Our purpose is to serve." —KamGi & Kyle WE 💖 BE LOVE!!! Shop their beautiful collection today! (IPY TRIBE: You get 30% off your order!) And check out the growing list of 2021 Inner Power Yoga® Lifestyle Partners. The Peace Warrior T-Shirt is one of my personal faves. ...Love their dreamy marketing.
...And, in the middle, that's KamGi, our new BFF! At this time of year, the United States of America celebrates its sovereignty as a country independent from other world entities. But how independent are we really? The truth of our interdependence has become more and more apparent...and important. We must acknowledge our reliance upon each other for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Countries depend on both global and inter-personal connection for economic stability, ecological hope, and the general maintenance of world peace. Humanity is interconnected with Nature. We rely on her resources for our survival. Inversely, the survival of Earth’s resources depends upon the wise choices of humanity. Each person’s identity and experience is deeply intertwined with the people that surround her and the entire world at large. This month, in the Eleven Moons Online God/dess Odyssey, we celebrate the moon as a vision of interconnectedness. Lunar forces influence the rhythm of the tides. Similarly, we are intimately affected by the energies around us. Just as we cannot see the moon except for the sun’s light shining upon it, our lives are each a reflection of the one, Infinite Source. Every encounter is an opportunity to reflect that divine light to one another, reminding each other of our true nature as Love. We need each “other.” Years ago, disappointed in the failed commitments of my nation, I was inspired to draft a new declaration–a Declaration of INTERDEPENDENCE. It serves to remind me of my personal responsibility, as an American yogini, to celebrate a world of beautifully interconnected diversity.
Each year, at this time, I bring the following declaration into my meditation practice, updating it as I re-evaluate what it actually means to me. We hold the truth of Self-Realization: That all beings are divinely unified; That we are empowered by Universal Source with certain infinite potential; awakened by prana, moksha, and surrender to Love. |
Soul Artist is the Lifestyle Brand for Artists in the Medium of Life. It is a treasury of stories, courses, products and experiences to activate your creative freedom and create your most meaningful life.
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