TEA • MOON • LISTEN Author: R.R. Shakti Dear Soul Artist,
Last night we made our signature CHILL moon tea, wrote poetry, and listened to some of my favorite old records. The August Moon is about "Big Transformation." And usually a full moon will stir me into brazen creative activation. But after a weekend of road-tripping to the Garden of the Gods and reminiscing with some dear old friends, I felt a deep sort of contentment just staying home last night. With no sense of urgency, or even a plan, I seized a simple moment to bask under the lunar night-light with my daughter. She told me all about her first day of 7th grade. We tried a new recipe of Creamy Feta Beans & Greens, using leafy things from our garden. (By the way, it was delish.) We took turns choosing the music. We listened softly. And that was enough. Sometimes "Big Transformation" is discovered inside the simple little heart-open moments of delight. Sometimes creative activation feels more like a slow ripening. I'm calling on Pachamama energy this month, to tend my energetic garden with patience and persistence. She reminds me of the seeds I've planted in Love, and to trust in their ultimate fulfillment. What about you? Are you waiting for a "Big Transformation" that never seems to happen? Are you making "Creative Activation" harder than it is? Listen for moments of simple contentment? Learn to patiently, persistently tend the garden of your visionary heart? At SoulArtist.life you are invited to align with the rhythms of nature and remember your creative freedom–sometimes with a brazen, audacious expression of cosmic power. Other times, it is more like listening to the soft crackle of vinyl while sipping moon tea. CHILL: our signature summer blend of herbal delight includes Rocky Mountain Spearmint and cooling Peppermint straight from our Vail Colorado garden. Hibiscus provides calming properties that are found to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and boost your immune system, while Rosehips are high in vitamin C and provide relief from join pain and stiffness during the active sunny season. *Organic Stevia leaves provide refreshing sweetness. Our favorite way to brew is under the moon. 🌒 🌓 🌕
AYURVEDA • BEETS • RECIPE Author: R.R. Shakti Navigating the changes from vata to kapha season, deliciously, means following a few Ayurvedic rules... and breaking a couple, too. This is how we stay balanced through the changing seasons. IngredientsTrue. Salad is typically a "spring & summer food" around these parts. But sometimes you just get a hankerin'. Like today, when Marley said, "Mom, will you make a beet salad for lunch? So when it comes to salad + winter in the Rocky Mountains, a few ingredients keep our vata mellow and nourished, while stoking our cold, sluggish kapha:
Beets and leeks help to ground vata dosha and balance kapha dosha, while balsamic vinegar stimulates your digestion. The bitter/spicy greens are warming and purifying. When the bitter and spice is balanced with little orange morsels, vata stays calm. SO MANY exciting flavors make this salad worth breaking a few Ayurvedic rules for:
Olive oil and cheeses are all heavy enough to use sparingly during kapha season, but if you MUST use cheese (and in this recipe we MUST), light cheeses like goat cheese, ricotta, and feta are the most kapha-neutral options. Ayurveda 101: Kapha flavors to savor include: bitter, spicy, and astringent. Vata is balanced by sweet, sour, and salty. Vata season transitions to Kapha Season between January & February in the Northern Hemisphere. LEARN MORE. Directions1. Roast the Beets Quarter the beets, drizzle with Sunflower oil, add a dash of salt and pepper. I also sprinkle on a little Jalepeño pepper, to add a touch of warmth. Roast at 400 degrees for 30 minutes (or until just tender. 2. Soak the Endive & Radicchio Tear your "greens" and soak them in a "citrus bath" of 1/2 cup orange juice, and 1/4 cup lemon juice. You can also add 2 TBS of apple cider vinegar for a little extra zest. 3. Roast the Leeks Slice your leeks vertically and drizzle with oil. Salt/pepper and roast for 15-20 minutes. They can join the beets in the oven at 400 degrees F. 4. Whip up the dressings & Serve This salad gets 3 dressings. The first dressing is the citrus bath for the radicchio and endive (above). The second is a creamy blend: 2 oz. ricotta, 4 oz. diced feta, and 1/2 cup olive oil. The third dressing is a drizzle of balsamic glaze made from reducing balsamic vinegar over medium heat for 15 minutes, or until a thick glaze forms. ONCE YOUR BEETS & LEEKS HAVE COOLED: Cut orange wedges into small morsels. Line a plate with fresh arugula. Top the arugula with endive, radicchio, leeks, beets, and orange morsels. Dollop with the creamy cheese blend. Drizzle with the balsamic glaze. Top with a bit of cracked black pepper to taste. ENJOY! More options forAyurveda. Kapha. Vata.
Moon. Motherhood. Connection November invites you into the sanctuary of human connection Yesterday I took my little daughter to a hot-spring pool just to watch her swim. I didn’t bring my phone. I left my books at home. It was a moment of heaven just to connect with my child; to enter into another realm, where mermaids play. She dove beneath the surface to flip and twist and glide. She kicked her way back to me for a slippery snuggle, then launched away again to show me more of her aquatic dance. I relished the phrase, “Watch this mom!” as just about the best three words ever strung together, a dynamic variation of “I love you.” Real connection is an act of love. It is climbing into another person’s experience, to touch the essence of another human heart with your full attention. Connection is the lunar principle for November 2021. Inspired by the Beaver Moon, it marks a time when critters of the North American landscape work together to gather stores and build retreats for the winter ahead. This moon invites you to gather in community, collaborate for collective resilience, and deeply connect within the human sanctuary. The Moon is Magic. Actually, it is more than magical. The lunar display of cyclical transformation is nothing short of mystical. Before scientists confirmed its gravitational power over the planet–the cycles and tides–mystics and poets sang of the moon’s energetic sway. Each month provides opportunity to celebrate the illuminating power of the full moon and surrender into the cleansing potential of the new moon. When you align your daily practice with the rhythms of la luna, your entire life becomes attuned with the generating song of the universe. You become a creative force for manifesting your most meaningful human experience. November is the month of connection. The full moon provides time to celebrate in community and to remember gratitude. The new moon asks you to let go of any protective patterns–barriers–that have prevented you from truly connecting with the world around you. Fears are conquered, limitations are dissolved, and wounds are healed in the sanctuary of deep person- to-person connection. Join us as we dive into the sanctuary. November Themes, Moons, & Holidays: The Beaver Moon • Connection • Scorpio • Water Element • Gathering Energy • Collaboration • Building Shelter • Sanctuary Soul Artist's Book Club |
The Soul Artist Treasury was founded by R.R. Shakti, PhD in 2020 as a platform for creative study & contemplative practice.
© COPYRIGHT 2018-2024 R.R. Shakti | Soul Artist ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.